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Credit Control Healthcheck

Top service Ltd is here to provide support and protect your business. We understand that small changes can make big differences when it comes to credit control and improving cash flow. Take our free, no obligation credit control health check to see how your small to medium size business fairs with your current practices. Once your answers have been received we will provide you with a tailored report containing our improvement suggestions within 5 days of your submission.

Credit Control Health Check
1. Does your business have at least one person who’s role includes credit control tasks?
2. Do you always complete a credit application form for every new customer, when they request credit facilities?
3. Do you assess a new customer’s credit worthiness before setting a credit limit?
4. Do you have a facility where you can regularly receive new credit information relating to your customers?
5. Are you confident that your payment terms are made clear to your customers?
6. Are you confident your invoices are sent in a timely manner and are accurate?
7. Do you have a process for when and how customers should be chased, if the payment terms aren’t met?
8. Do you have consistent time frames within your credit control process where overdue accounts are escalated to the next level of the process?
9. Are you confident that you are aware of all the methods available to collect overdue accounts if your internal credit control process is not successful and payments remain overdue?
10. Do you claim what your are entitled to from your customers, when payments are overdue?